007 - Mysteries & Secrets Revealed

Feb 13, 2024    Podcast Crew

Does Jesus heal out of indignation? Does his family think he's crazy? Is Jesus hiding the truth of the Gospel from some people?

Mark moves quickly - by chapter 3 people are either loving or wanting to kill him. By chapter 7's end we find that Jesus is revealing the secrets and mysteries of heaven, held for so long, to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Jesus' power over disease, demons, and death is apparent and declare his divinity.

Article on "Indignation" - https://books.google.com/books?id=_YtWAgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA120#v=onepage&q&f=false

00:00 - Intro

00:26 - Background of Mark

05:05 - Chapter 1 - The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

06:50 - Baptism of Water vs. Spirit

09:46 - Jesus Keeping His Divine Identity Hidden

16:37 - Priority of Prayer

18:56 - Indignation Toward the Leper?

22:22 - Chapter 2 - Piling up the Grievances

23:07 - Authority of Jesus & New Wineskins

24:40 - Meaning of the Sabbath

28:40 - Chapter 3 - Hardness of Hearts & Plotting to Kill Jesus

29:20 - Jesus' Family Thinks He's Crazy?

31:28 - Gloves Come Off

32:22 - Hiding Truth?

34:55 - Hard Hearts, Blind Eyes

36:07 - Full Revelation Will Come

37:28 - Chapter 5 - Hope Given to the Hopeless & Lonely

39:50 - Chapter 6 - Jesus Rejected in His Hometown

41:01 - Dusting of Your Boots/Sending Out the 12

46:57 - Death of John The Baptist

48:28 - Casually Walking on Water Passing By the Disciples

50:03 - What Do Loaves Have to do with Walking on Water?

53:11 - Chapter 7 - How Can We Not Tell?

#miraclesofJesus #parables #secretsofheaven #shareworthy