
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Our missions are organized through the Southern Baptist Convention (NAMB & IMB), but we also support a couple of individual families working in different parts of the world. The Oak Grove WMU (Women's Missionary Union) are heavily involved in local missions plus supporting the NAMB, IMB, and SBCV through campaigns like Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, and Alma Hunt. We also have a missions group that maintains contact weekly with our individual foreign missionaries with hopes of organizing mission trips in the near future.

If you're looking to stay closer to home, we have many outreach groups that stay active throughout the year helping in the local community. 

Get Active in Missions

- Operation Christmas Child: Sending the gospel in the form of shoeboxes. They are shipped worldwide to children.
- Love Thy Neighbor: Food pantry in King George. Our church sends volunteers the first Sunday of every month.
- Oak Grove Food Pantry: Our in-house food pantry. Meets the first Sunday of every month.
- Various Outreach Events: We are involved in a variety of community events with the goal of spreading the gospel and serving those in need.
- Missions Small Group: Meets once a month to discuss foreign mission projects with our partners across the globe.
- WMU: Women's Missionary Union are heavily involved in local missions plus supporting the NAMB, IMB, and SBCV through campaigns like Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, and Alma Hunt.

Contact Us

If you're wanting more info on any of the above, don't hesitate to reach out!