030 - Love Founded on Christ

Jul 22, 2024    Podcast Crew

1 Corinthians 13-16

00:39 - Chapter 13 - A Way Beyond Comparison

02:21 - The Point of the "Love Chapter"

05:58 - Clanging Cymbals

10:28 - Why is Love the Greatest?

12:03 - Chapter 14 - Place of Prophecy and Tongues

19:40 - With Our Whole Heart

22:42 - For Believers or Unbelievers?

27:48 - Order Over Chaos

29:10 - Women Speaking in Church

35:51 - Chapter 15 - Our Faith & Hope

39:36 - Sober Up and Stop Sinning

41:40 - Dwell on Hope

43:20 - Chapter 16 - Giving Shows Our Heart

49:00 - Stand firm & Let Everything Be Done in Love