004 - Predicting Death, Transfiguration, The GOAT, Divorce and more Parables

Jan 23, 2024    Podcast Crew

Jesus' knows his earthly ministry is coming to a close as he predicts his suffering and death. In addition to more healings, teachings, and parables, we see Jesus transfigured before his Peter, James, and John. The disciples argue over who is the greatest and Jesus keeps reminding that the first will become last and the last, first.

Michael's message on the Unforgiving Servant - https://ogbcfamily.subspla.sh/3d42dwn

Notes from Sunday's message - https://storage2.snappages.site/GS2R6W/assets/files/notes1.21.24.pdf

00:17 - Chapter 16

10:06 - Chapter 17

25:30 - Chapter 18

39:28 - Chapter 19

47:07 - Chapter 20