018 - Video - Wrapping Up John and the Gospels

Apr 24, 2024    Podcast Crew

Part 2 of the super episode with John 18-21

00:18 - Chapter 18 - Every Knee will Bow

02:43 - Jesus Will Not Deny Himself

03:17 - Peter Courageous or Coward?

05:34 - What is Truth?

07:11 - Chapter 19 - Pilate Try to Save Jesus?

08:16 - Weak 09:08 - Fear God More Than Man

10:22 - The Sign Tells the Truth

10:55 - Carrying the Cross

11:33 - Blood and Water

12:37 - It is Finished

13:42 - Prophecy Upon Prophecy Fulfilled

14:06 - Chapter 20 - Bragimony

15:26 - Would We Have Understood?

16:06 - Not Allowed to Touch Jesus

18:34 - Power to Forgive Sin

20:24 - Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen

21:57 - Chapter 21 - Gone Fishin'

23:49 - Follow Me 24:13 - 153 Fish

25:52 - Glorified Body Unrecognizable?

27:05 - Peter's Restoration

28:28 - Do You Love Me More Than These?

31:26 - Prayer For Unity