020 - Salvation for the Gentiles

May 15, 2024    Podcast Crew

00:35 - Wrapping Up Chapter 6

01:05 - Chapter 7 - Nothing Can Contain Him

03:00 - Harsh Words Spoken with a Face of An Angel

03:44 - Stuck on the Flesh

04:22 - Themes Revealed

05:49 - We're All Betrayers

07:37 - Windows Into Heaven

09:20 - Enter Stage Left

09:44 - Chapter 8 - Persecution Goes Full Force

11:15 - Gospel to the Samaritans

12:48 - Magician Named Simon

13:58 - Saving Faith vs. Faith in Vain

16:53 - Why Did God Withhold the Holy Spirit?

18:40 - Grace to Minister

20:42 - Using God for Our Gain

23:20 - Gospel = Good News for Everyone

27:28 - An Encounter on the Damascus Road

29:40 - "Why Are You Persecuting Me?"

30:00 - The Scales Come Off

31:53 - Something Only Suffering Can Teach

33:19 - Causing Consternation

35:06 - Christ is Lord is Our Testimony

36:26 - Barnabas Steps Up

36:56 - Forgiveness Exemplified

38:20 - Raising Dorcas

40:39 - Secrets of the Italian Cohort

41:40 - Favor in the Eyes of God

43:05 - Words Need to be Said

44:25 - What God Has Made Clean

46:27 - Deprogramming

48:10 - Balance Between Grace/Mercy and Judgment

49:26 - Speaking In Tongues

55:33 - Worshipping the Gift Giver

57:05 - Greater Than Tongues

57:25 - Even To the Gentiles