13 - Obstacles

Mar 26, 2024    Podcast Crew

Luke 17-21

00:53- Chapter 17 - Stumbling Blocks

04:42 - Are We the Source of the Solution?

05:58 - Forgive to Be Like The Father

08:00 - Takes Faith to Forgive

10:02 - Trying to Serve Two Masters

10:21 - Jesus is the One We've Waited For

12:31 - What Are We Doing to Anticipate Christ's Coming?

16:18 - Focus on What Matters

19:19 - Chapter 18 - Persistent in Prayer

20:42 - Praying for Eyes to Be Opened

21:10 - Everyone Has An Obstacle

23:28 - Is Jesus Worth It All?

26:40 - Supernaturally Hidden?

29:22 - Healed to Be a Herald

29:34 - Chapter 19 - Sycamore/Sycophant

33:43 - Inheritance

35:10 - Finding Someone to Blame

39:35 - Rebellious

42:27 - Chapter 20 - Foolishness of Man

44:47 - No Marriage in Heaven

49:05 - Our Example

50:37 - Chapter 21

55:09 - Let Us Be Hated for Standing With Christ