029 - Freedom and Head Coverings

Jul 17, 2024    Podcast Crew

1 Corinthians 8-12

00:39 - Chapter 8 - Knowledge Puffs Up, Love Builds Up

02:21 - Known By God

03:48 - Food & Boycotting

09:35 - How Do We Progress?

14:38 - Beneficial, Build Up, Selfless?

15:31 - Chapter 9 - Paul's Motivation

19:37 - Free To Be a Slave

21:05 - Chapter 10 - So We Will Not Crave Evil Things

24:57 - Chapter 11 - Head Coverings & Authority

31:22 - The Goal is Submission

36:57 - The Lord's Supper

41:48 - Chapter 12 - Pursue the Greater Gifts