Is Divorce and Remarriage Sin? - Part 2

Jan 17, 2021    Randall Snipes

God's PERFECT will for some is to not get married at all. On the other hand, His PERFECT will for others is for a man and a woman to come together in marriage. Scripture tells us in Malachi 2, that His PERFECT will for those of us that are married is to not get divorced. Malachi 2:16 says, "For I hate divorce". We all know that this "perfect scenario" does not always happen because of sin and the hardness of our hearts. If divorce does happen then God's PREFERRED will, according to Scripture, is that we do not get remarried after divorce. However, God also has a PERMISSIVE will and we feel that this single quote sums up what His permissive will is when it comes to divorce and remarriage. "The God who allowed divorce because of the hardness of hearts, I believe, also allows remarriage because of the weakness of the flesh, even though both hard hearts and adultery are sins before Him." (Pastor Timothy Binder)