Faith That Finds Forgiveness

Apr 18, 2021    Randall Snipes

In Luke 5, we find a scenario where several men are trying to get some help for their friend who is paralyzed. They decide they are going to take him to Jesus who is teaching in a house. When these men arrive with their friend, their is a great crowd so they decide to get him on the roof, tear a hole in the roof, and then lower him down so that Jesus can heal him. These men did all they could possibly do in order to get their friend to Jesus. Jesus seeing their tremendous faith, healed this man completely. What we need to understand is that their faith preceded their healing. If your faith has not driven you to engage in a lifestyle that the world would call strange, crazy, or peculiar, then you may not have what Jesus is looking for. Today, we need to make sure that we are people who desire to be RADICAL in our pursuit of Jesus. We must believe and know that He is the rewarder of those who EARNESTLY seek Him.