The Resurrection Reality Check

Apr 11, 2021    Randall Snipes

When we think about Jesus' resurrection, we often look beyond the fact that many of His followers did not believe that He would be raised from the dead. When Jesus died, the actions of those that were closest to Him evidenced this. His followers anointed His body with 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes and then wrapped Him in linen cloths. No one expected Him to rise up after this. When Mary Magdalene found the stone rolled away from the tomb, she frantically and emotionally searched for His body thinking someone had taken Him away. Their beliefs were evidenced in the way they responded to His death and our beliefs are evidenced in the way we live our daily lives. Knowing the Risen Savior, Jesus Christ will ignite the Holy Spirit inside of us and make us want to show others what He has done. The work that He has finished on the cross for us!