Rejoice in Suffering

Oct 27, 2024    Randall Snipes

In the book of James, we encounter a healthy pursuit of genuine faith. Apparently, James had encountered some who "talked the talk" but their lives did not match up to the talk. Understandably, it is fairly easy, especially in our culture, for someone to profess faith or a relationship with God. However, James is making a point that genuine faith turns bright in the heat of suffering, and faith that is not genuine burns up in the heat of suffering. James 1:2 says, "My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials". Some of you may be in the thick of something right now and others may have been on a path of suffering for years. The idea of it being joy seems illogical, unless we consider how God has and is using the suffering to change us. He will change us from a person who professes faith to a person whose existence is a testimony for the goodness and grace of God.