It's a Holy War

Nov 22, 2020    Randall Snipes

We are engaged in a Holy War. Positionally, the battle is won, we are free, we are no longer alive to sin. Our account is settled and it is sinless. Yet in our daily lives, the battle continues to rage. We operate so often in fear, anger, lust, greed, frustration, pride, jealousy, envy, selfishness, judgement and the list goes on. We don't want to live that way, react that way, say those things, be that person but so often we are and we regret it and hate it. That is our life long war. There will never be a day where any of us can say that we have defeated sin in our flesh. The only thing we can do is fight, everyday, every minute, taking every thought captive, never letting up and pursue a life long grind. We are free from the law of sin but we are still living in enemy territory, so we can never let our guard down. However, we can celebrate and give thanks because we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.