Time In the Shallows

Feb 4, 2024    Randall Snipes

Time is the most valuable finite resource that we have in this life. Ironically, time is also the most wasted resource in this life. When we look at the story in Matthew 26 of when Mary anointed Jesus' body with oil, we can see and understand just how important our time, resources, and talents can be. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her." She made the most of her time with Jesus. The bottom line is that time is limited and for some of us this is frightening. Some may be uncertain of their eternal destiny. Some may be convicted by this because there is unconfessed, unreported, sin in your life and you are misrepresenting the Lord. For others, it is sobering because we have not managed this finite resource so well. We have been spending too much time and energy in the shallows of life. The real time is in the presence of Jesus and living a life full of worship and obedience to Him.