The Cure for Spiritual Insecurity

Jun 27, 2021    Randall Snipes

Have you ever felt insecure about your relationship with God? Deep down inside you know that you could do better but there are areas in your life that still plague you in your spiritual development. Sometimes we can't put our finger on it, but we know there is an insecurity and a feeling of distance. Part of the problem is that we have that one major "God moment" in our lives and then we don't strive for another. We become comfortable with that one "big thing" that God has done for us and then we forget about Him. We must continue to strive everyday to spend time in prayer, His Word, and worship. Making a habit of doing these things everyday will renew our confidence in our relationship with God. It will help us notice the idols in our hearts, give us a greater desire for His glory, and keep us from growing content with past victories.