God's Faithfulness

May 30, 2021    Randall Snipes

As we are moving along in the book of Judges, it is hard to miss that the whole book is a repeat of the same story. Israel does that which is evil in the sight of the Lord over and over and over. However, just as we are about to lose our patience with their faithlessness, we must stop and realize that they are a perfect impression of us. We can look at their repeated failure and then witness the faithful love of God. God did not give up on them and say, "That's it. I'm done!". No, when God saved us, He was not ignorant to how horrible we are, or how many times we would choose to do evil again. When God saved us He already knew every sin that we would ever commit but He chose us anyway and began a process of sanctification, justification, and eternal perfection. We cannot undue what we have already done but, what God asks us to do, is to confess our sins and know that He is faithful to forgive. His Grace is available and His Grace is sufficient.