
Oct 22, 2023    Randall Snipes

In 1 Samuel 30, we find David and his men in a situation that just cannot get any worse. They have returned back to their city, Ziklag, and arrive to find it burned to the ground and their families taken. To make matters even worse, some of David's men begin a petition to stone him for leading them away while this happened. David asks God if he should pursue these people and God answered, "Pursue them, for you will certainly overtake them and rescue the people." David finds strength and hope in the Lord His God during this difficult time from His Word. Hope is what turns this tragedy to triumph. The path to hope for both David in his despair and us in ours is the same. The Words of God. We have the Word of God with us always and we have the Spirit of God indwelling in us. We are actually better equipped today to receive the hope that God offers.