Don't Forfeit the Blessing

Jun 4, 2023    Randall Snipes

As we get into chapter 13 of 1 Samuel, we find the ongoing strife between Israel and the Philistines. Israel has been basically disarmed, with only two swords remaining, and Jonathon takes it upon himself to attack a garrison of Philistines. This event causes the Philistines to gather their troops and attack Israel. During all of this however, Samuel had given Saul God's instruction to wait 7 days and then Samuel would come again, sacrifice, and give Yahweh's instruction. Day after day Saul is watching the people, as well as his troops, slip away like sand through his fingers. Saul then decides to call an audible and offer the sacrifice without waiting for Samuel. He was impatient, disobeyed God's instructions, and used the sacrifice, the religious elements, to meet the needs of the temporary situation to create some positive energy for the task that he viewed as important. How many times have we done this very same thing? We are rushing when we should pause. We attempt to use God when we should be used by God. We rush past, we become religious, and duty driven to offer a few minutes to God so that we might quickly get His favor so that we can get on with the stuff that really matters. The stuff that gets a greater degree of our attention. God wanted to give Saul something but Saul was impatient and missed it. Don't forfeit the blessing of a relationship with God.