False Success

Jun 11, 2023    Randall Snipes

In 1 Samuel chapter 14, we find the story of another battle between the Israelites and the Philistines. In the end, God gave victory once again to the Israelites. We find however, that this victory was not because of the faith of King Saul but was because of the faith of his son Jonathon. Saul was able to enjoy the benefits of having a godly son. Jonathon made Saul look good and Saul became the miraculously victorious king. Saul's story of success is actually a sad one. The Bible tells us that we are "saved by Grace through Faith". Saul was so close but he just kept missing the mark. He could not understand the greater truth and what true success looks like. True success is having a Faith in God beyond understanding and having a heart that desperately loves God even when our situations seem impossible.